Rinzai-ji Zen Center is delighted to invite you to a special Commemorative Sesshin, held as part of the 650th Semicentennial Memorial Observance for Mimyō Daishi at Myōshin-ji in Japan. This commemorative sesshin will take place at Rinzai-ji, beginning with Kokuho on the evening of September 7 and continuing with three full days of intensive practice. We are honored to announce that sanzen and teisho will be led by Yamakawa Sōgen Rōdaishi, the Head Abbot of Myōshin-ji.
The Mimyō Daishi 650th Anniversary Committee envisioned this sesshin as a unique opportunity for practitioners from East and West to come together in shared practice, providing a much-needed stimulus for both Japanese and Western practitioners by holding such an event outside of Japan. Given its rich history of dedicated full-time Zen practice and its official status as an overseas Myōshin-ji temple, Rinzai-ji was chosen as the most appropriate place for this meaningful Sesshin. This occasion holds additional significance, as Mimyō Daishi is a founder of Myōkan-ji, where Sasaki Joshū Roshi’s son, Gudō Oshō, served as abbot.
We are deeply honored to host this historic gathering and look forward to welcoming you to join us.
Sesshin Details
• Sesshin Dates:
Hashinkyū-ji: Sunday, September 7
Sesshin: Monday, September 8 – Wednesday, September 10 (There will be Sanzen and Teisho)
Field Trip: Thursday, September 11
• 20 spots are available. Priority will be given to oshōs and monks ordained by Sasaki Rōshi, followed by long-time students of Sasaki Rōshi.
• 25 unsui (training monks) and priests, including Yamakawa Rōdaishi, will join us from Japan and stay at Rinzai-ji and Genteian.
• Accommodations for other participants will be arranged at a nearby Airbnb, Hotel/Motel or Sanga member’s houses.
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