At the heart of Zen monastic training period is the biannual 3 month intensive training period called Ango “peaceful dwelling”. The practice dates back over 2500 years to India where the Buddha and his disciples spent the rainy season in one place focusing on their studies and meditations.
Rinzai-ji’s resident monks are MyōrenYasukawa and SōgenYamamoto.
Myoren Yasukawa, originally from Tokyo, Japan, relocated to Vancouver, Canada in 1993 to study abroad. After completing her Fine Arts degree, she embarked on her Zazen, practicing at Zen Center of Vancouver for three years then later moved to Los Angeles practicing under Jōshū Sasaki Rōshi for seven years. Following Jōshū Rōshi’s passing, Myoren continued her practice at Rinzai-ji, contributing to temple activities and handling administrative responsibilities. In 2020, she took a leave of absence to become an Unsui at the Japanese training monastery, Shōgen Sōdō, for three and a half years. Currently, Myoren serves as a temple director at Rinzai-ji.
Yamamoto Sōgen is from Gifu, Japan, and completed his Zen-Humanities degree from Shōgen Junior College in 2015. Following this, he spent six and a half years in monastic training as an Unsui at Shōgen Sōdō. His interest in learning English led him to join Rinzai-ji in 2023, where he now serves as a practice leader.
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