Announcement from the Oshos of Rinzai-ji
On 5 and 6 January 2013, an Osho meeting will be held at Mt Baldy Zen Center. It will include representatives from the Boards of the three main centers, nuns
On 5 and 6 January 2013, an Osho meeting will be held at Mt Baldy Zen Center. It will include representatives from the Boards of the three main centers, nuns
Dear Sangha Members and Friends, Rinzai-ji Zen Center invites you to New Year’s Celebration. Schedule: Monday, December 31st, 2012 2:00 pm – Temple cleaning and preparation for
Please note that there will be no Zazenkai in January. Thank you!
Our deepest Gassho and Gratitude for your support! Please notify Rinzai-ji office if you do not see your name. List of donors & contributors – the month of November
Joshu Sasaki Roshi, at the age of 105, stepped down from his role as the primary Zen teacher for Rinzai-ji nine months ago due to serious illness. Our community is
Recently the Board of Directors of Rinzai-ji has become aware of allegations posted on websites of sexual misconduct by Joshu Sasaki Roshi, the Abbott of Rinzai-ji. The Board takes allegations
Our deepest Gassho and Gratitude for your support! Please notify Rinzai-ji office if you do not see your name. List of donors & contributors – the month of October
Weekend Zazenkai followed the Daruma-ki ceremony, the weekend of October 5 – 7th. It was an opportunity for formal zazen practice in a nearly full zendo. Several Oshos attended the
Thank you for your donations! List of donors: Jundo Kigen Seido Sokai Seiju BMZC Genshin, Shika
The Daruma-ki Ceremony was held on Friday, October 5th. Roshi attended the ceremony and gave a heart-felt talk. It was a true pleasure to see and hear him once again.